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Wednesday 28 August 2024


 Fencepost of the Week #225

A couple of nice, heathery fenceposts at eventide.



Sunday 18 August 2024

Dalriada Project Post

 Fencepost of the Week #224

When your path marker-posts look like this, you know you are in for a boggy time! ^_^

These posts, show the insigna of the Dalriada Project, which built a path network around The Kilmartin Glen area. 

The path was new (and posts completely devoid of lichen) in 2010. 

The path I took - between Cairnbaan and Dunadd - is holding up fairly well. It has some really excellent plastic boardwalk sections, but there are some slippery stone slab sections and some very slippery wooden plank sections, which would make me shy of recommending it for anyone without good balance.

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Bog Pimpernel and an Imposter


bog pimpernel - Lysimachia tenella

bog pimpernel - Lysimachia tenella

This pretty little wild flower is bog pimpernel - Lysimachia tenella. It grows in marshy places. I found this one growing along side sundew and pale butterwort very near to one of my adder's tongue fern spots in Argyll.

bog pimpernel - Lysimachia tenella

Having found it once last summer, I have been keeping an eye out, to see if is coming up anywhere else. All through this spring, I kept seeing these plants in various places (not just bogs.) It is almost the same but not quite right. I had to wait till this May for one to flower so that I could identify it:

New Zealand willowherb - Epilobium brunnescens

New Zealand willowherb - Epilobium brunnescens. Which first got off the boat from New Zealand in Edinburgh in 1904 and has been spreading across the countryside ever since. Interestingly, the third record for it outside of Edinburgh is from Ardrishaig - not far from here in 1911.

New Zealand willowherb - Epilobium brunnescens

It does very well in the climate of northern and western Britain and colonises wet, bare ground - ditches and forestry tracks are likely spots, but also gardens and river banks.

New Zealand willowherb - Epilobium brunnescens

New Zealand willowherb - Epilobium brunnescens

Monday 12 August 2024

Floating Islands

Fencepost of the Week #223


Thursday 8 August 2024

Photogrammetry Test: Glue Fungus


Glue fungus - Hydnoporia corrugata 


note: the white blobby stuff on the undeside of the twig is not real - it is an artifact caused by not being able to get a clear photo from beneath the subject.

If you would like to download the model - perhaps to view with different software, maybe even a vr headset - it should be available from dropbox - photgrammetry.

Photogrammetry Test - Ricasolia amplissima

 I'm experimenting with using photogrammetry for fungi and lichens:


 Ricasolia amplissima:


If you would like to download the model - perhaps to view with different software, maybe even a vr headset - it should be available from dropbox - photgrammetry.

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Tis the Season

 Fencepost of the Week #222

Seasonal sixteen-legged sexy-times!

Saddleback Harvestman - Mitopus morio

Well... fourteen-legged, but nobody's perfect. ^_^